Safety First in Live Oak Florida – Demolition Projects
Slow Down to Get Around (SDTGA) is a national safety campaign to save lives. The campaign is gaining traction across the country with 25 states having passed SDTGA legislation requiring drivers to exercise caution and slow down when passing waste collection vehicles.
Free Slow Down to Get Around Decals
SWANA members can order up to 20 free Slow Down to Get Around decals. Larger SafetyFirst Prismatic Reflective decals by BrandArmor are also available for purchase. The larger decals are visible at night up to 1,800 feet and sized to fit all FEL and ASL trucks (86 x 23 inches). Visit the SWANA SDTGA campaign for details.
Slow Down, Save a Life
Waste & Recycling Workers Week would like to thank the following states for protecting the men and women of the waste and recycling industry by passing Slow Down to Get Around legislation:
Don’t see your state on the list? Consider writing a letter to your governor or your representative in the state legislature asking them to protect waste and recycling workers, motorists and children by making Slow Down to Get Around legislation a priority for your state.
While You Wait for SDTGA Laws in Your State…
You can still do your part to keep workers safe while they provide collection services. When driving behind a recycling or waste collection truck, leave plenty of space. If you need to pass a waste or recycling collection vehicle, slow down and leave plenty of space while going around. This will help keep workers, other motorists, you and your passengers safe.